Author Archives: admin
Joseph 從2007年開始作網站,以AdSense入手,後來經營Amazon利基站。這裡是我網賺的心得分享,歡迎大家多交流!
Author Archives: admin
Joseph 從2007年開始作網站,以AdSense入手,後來經營Amazon利基站。這裡是我網賺的心得分享,歡迎大家多交流!
有讀者問Joseph怎麼驗證Google Webmaster (現在叫Google Search Console)。其實沒有那麼難,就是把code加到Wordpress裡就可以了
WordPress 的更新Joseph常常想都沒想,就下手更新了,因為WordPress這麼多年以來,非常穩定,也沒見出過什麼問題。不料這次8/10的更新版本,造成了許多shortcode的功能失效。
shortcode在WordPress 的plugin裡用的非常多,所謂的shortcode,就是用像這樣[table=1][/table]之類的程式碼,呈現一些特定內容。這提供了許多靈活性,因為shortcode的內容可以定義在其它地方,所以只要修改一處,所有用到shortcode的地方全部會更改。
如果你用ad inserter這個套件,可以追蹤這個討論串,留到更多訊息。
這些郵件,都是大陸作跨境電商或是製造業者,學了一點網路行銷之後,開始使用的成果。這些傳統製造業者,以前沒有接觸過電商,更別說跨境電業。有人就把跨境電商與網路行銷的課程捆綁在一起作教育訓練,而高不成低不就的成果,就是亂發垃圾郵件了。 繼續閱讀
I’m writing to let you know about upcoming changes to our fees starting in June.
Introducing a payment processing fee to clients
To offset high payment servicing costs, we’ll start charging a fee to process your payments.By default, a 2.75% processing fee will be charged per payment.
Alternatively, you’re eligible to pay a $25 flat monthly fee (instead of 2.75% per payment) if you pay exclusively with your bank account. If you expect to spend over $910/month, we recommend this option as you’ll save on fees.*
To learn more, visit our client pricing page.
Updating the service fee freelancers pay
The service fee that freelancers pay to Upwork will change from a flat 10% to a sliding fee per client relationship,decreasing the more the freelancer works with a client:
- 20% for the first $500 billed with the client
- 10% for lifetime billings with the client between $500.01 and $10,000
- 5% for lifetime billings with the client that exceed $10,000
When a freelancer has billed enough with a client to qualify for a lower fee, they’ll see an automatic increase in their take-home earnings. The client will pay the same rate on existing contracts.
To learn more, visit our freelancer pricing page.
Building a business for the long term
These pricing changes are meant to reward long-term, repeat work and cover the costs of serving all parties on our platform—allowing us to support you better over the long run.What should you do next?
Over the next several weeks, we’ll follow up with more details on when these changes will take effect. In the meantime, review our client and freelancer pricing pages and updatedTerms of Service. Thank you for your understanding and your business.Sincerely,
Stephane Kasriel
CEO, Upwork
搜尋引擎優化 (search engine optimization, 簡稱 SEO) 是網路行銷的一個重要技能。然而,這裡面的細節太多,好不容易學到了一點概念,但網路上呈現的中文資訊,常常不一致,讓初學者無所適從。
Joseph是實用主義者,作每件事情,都要有目的,都要能夠幫助我達成終極目標。作網站也是,因為這是讓我增加額外收入的辦法,讓我可以累積資本,進行美股投資,賺取現金流,並且往退休的路上邁進。 繼續閱讀
網友Wong Weng Lek的答案是:「建立有效外連」。
其實這回答不太清楚。但Joseph想了一想,可能有幾個,列在下面。 繼續閱讀